Training with me

The best personal trainers adapt to their clients. I will train you as an individual. I consider your age, size, fitness levels and personality type to create a training plan and method that works for you.

Claim your FREE session

I offer a free no obligation personal training session to all website visitors. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and for you to experience first hand what it’s like to train with me.

Hi, I’m Jamie Tarrant. I’m a personal trainer with over 15 years’ experience in helping people achieve their health and fitness goals.

Personal training with me is for you if any of the following applies to you:

  • Want to exercise harder/more efficiently
  • Lack the discipline to exercise consistently over time
  • Need accountability
  • Want new ideas
  • Want exercise to be part of your life but aren’t sure how

Visit the training with me page to learn more about how I can train you. I cover Rickmansworth, Chorleywood, Watford, and surrounding areas. I’m based out of Pump Gyms in Watford, but I’m flexible, we can train at the gym, in your home, your home gym or in an outside space.